I’m Annie Cardinal, a product design engineer. Learn more about me!
I graduated from Princeton University in 2015 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a certificate in Robotics and Intelligent Systems. I’ve been working as a mechanical engineer (and more recently as Project Lead) at Produktworks Design in Austin, Texas for the past three years. I also have lots of internship experience that is applicable to mechanical design, programming, and web design.
I’m a California girl at heart, born and raised in the Bay Area, but I’m currently living in Austin, Texas. It’s a good thing, since I absolutely love barbecue and Mexican food.
For fun, I enjoy singing in Panoramic Voices, a choir in Austin, and I enjoy traveling to cool places and taking pictures. I have traveled to countries such as Burma, Cambodia, and Thailand, along with over half of the US states, many on a road trip of the southwest. I’ve also been on safaris to Alaska to photograph grizzly bears and puffins and South Texas to photograph migrating birds.
Do I ever! I couldn’t live without The Who, David Bowie, and Cat Stevens. I mostly just cringe when I accidentally tune into Top 40 on the radio.
I really enjoy travel (check out my travel blog, Unplan-It Earth), cooking, Formula 1 racing (conveniently located in Austin!), driving a manual transmission, singing as part of a choir, adventuring, and science fiction shows like Doctor Who and Red Dwarf. I’m also really into dinosaurs these days.
Throughout my life, I was told that if I wanted something, I had to build it myself. This went for my first computer, my dollhouse (now complete with lighting and a handmade staircase), my loft bed, websites, and even my first video game when my parents wouldn’t buy me a subscription to Club Penguin in middle school. As a result of many trials, failures, and eventual successes, I know that I can build anything and that there is a huge benefit to doing things myself. I’ve always loved solving puzzles and putting things together, and my participation in FIRST Robotics in high school solidified my love of engineering and robotics.
I love fixing things, and I realized that I enjoy looking for inefficiencies in everyday life and finding ways to make things better. By combining my experience in mechanical engineering and coding with my leadership skills and understanding of people, I strive to create compelling products and user experiences that change the way people look at the world. I’m a big picture person with experience leading teams toward designing integrated systems. I am always looking for opportunities in product design and mechanical engineering.